Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Question And Answers about Quran

Question And Answers about Quran

Q) Which Sura starts with word ‘ Tabara Kallazi’?

A) Mulk & Furkan.

Q) Macci Sura was revealed in how many years?

A) 13 years.

Q) Madani Sura was revealed in how many years?

A) 10 years.

Q) Which sura starts with word Kad?

A) Mujadala & Momenoon.

Q) Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali?

A) Sura Adiat.

Q) How many Sura are in 30th Chapter?

A) 37.

Q) Which sura every verse ends with letter ‘Dal ‘?

A) Tauheed.

Q) Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahllel bayet?

A) Sura Dahr.

Q) Which sura every verse ends with letter ‘Ra’?

A) Qauser.

Q) In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned?

A) Sura Hijr Verse-26.

Q) In which sura the regulation for prisoner of war is mentioned?

A) Sura Nesa.

Q) Which sura is having the laws about marriage?

A) Sura Nesa.

Q) Which sura if its name is reversed becomes the name of one bird?

A) Sura Room.

Q) In which sura the story of the worship of cow of Bani Esra’iel is mentioned?

A) Sura Taha.

Q) In which sura the law of inheritance is mentioned?

A) Sura Nesa.

Q) In which sura the Hegira of Holy Prophet is mentioned?

A) Sura Infall.

Q) In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned?

A) Sura Hadeed.

Q) In which Sura the story of Hazrat Adam & Hvva, their coming in this world is mentioned?

A) Sura Taha.

Q) The name of how many sura are with only one letter?

A) Three – Sad, Qaf & Noon.

Q) In which sura the order for the obedience of Islamic leader is mentioned?

A) Sura Nesa.

Q) Which Sura all its verses end with letter ‘Seen’?

A) Sura Naas.

Q) Which Sura is called Al-Ghafer?

A) Sura Momem.

Q) In which sura the holy war of Badr is mentioned?

A) Sura Infall.

Q) In which sura the story of Karoon is mentioned?

A) Sura Qasas.

Q) What is the other name of Sura Touba?

A) Sura Bara’at.

Q) Which sura that’s all verses end on letter ‘Ya’?

A) Sura Lael.

Q) The verse ” Fabay Eyyey ala-e- Rabby Ko Ma Tutazzebaan ” is how many time repeated in Sura Rehmaan.?

A) 31 Time.

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